Give us a call and let us show you how fast, friendly and highly-responsive outsourced IT services can make your business productive: 604-674-9910
Fast Response. You’re time is important and you need your computers to work. Our response time? Guaranteed under 60 minutes for urgent stuff, within 4 hours for everything else.
Founded In 1985. IT companies come and go while we’ve been around for over 30 years. We love that many of our clients have been with us since the beginning. We don’t take that trust lightly. We earn your business every day.
Dedicated IT Person. It’s frustrating having to educate a new support person about your company’s IT, every time you have an issue. That’s why we assign a senior level IT technician to your account.
Solve Problems Quickly And Correctly. We hire only smart experienced techs and pool our knowledge. This “Brain Melding” results in extremely fast problem solving and highly optimized solutions that often elude individual IT consultants or typical in-house IT staff.
Inline Computer Support: trusted computer support for
businesses throughout Vancouver – Let us help you today!
Maybe you’re concerned with the current rising costs of your IT services, or maybe you are just running short on time because of your expanding business and need to outsource some services. Whatever your reason, we can help you with quality IT services.
Your business can save money and time today with Inline Computer Support’s managed services, network solutions, IT support and more.
ZLC Financial
Inline Computer Support, Inc.
850 West Hastings Street
Suite 701
Vancouver, BC V6C1E1
Phone: 604-674-9910
Fax: 604-681-1375
Email: sales@inlinecomputers.ca